IOTA Tracker


NoZombie labs has recently created an IOTA trade tracker web application accessible through The app takes the trade volume from bitfinex and generates two graphs that we believe will be helpful to investors; the first graph tracks the amount of trades (both buy and sell) while the other tracks the amount of trades divided by the number of transactions of that trade instance (a minute by default). The frequency and the time of trades shown, are both changeable.

The webapp is not fully optimized, so if a large number of users start accessing it, the application may crash. Additionally, if bitfinex goes down or the webapp’s api grabber script breaks, transactions will appear fewer than they are in reality. I will try to update users via this website of crashes and inaccuracies of data. Additionally, the script to update trades runs every 5 minutes, so don’t panic if the clock strikes 12 and trades fall to zero.

Code is available on github!